Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I know I'm doing this in kinda the wrong order, but that first post is what finally pushed me over the edge to start a blog. For the 0.00001 of you who don't know me, my name is Jon Norton, and I work as a civil service engineer for the Navy. At home, I have the best family a guy could have, my wife, Kathleen, 6 month old son, Josiah (we have a baby blog at nortonbaby.blogspot.com), and our cat Ande.

My intention with this blog is to try to post something at least once a week that has something to do with software. From time to time, I might also post something about cycling or music (my primary hobbies) or even just some new theory of life, but I plan for this to be mostly technical. If I happen across more thoughts and the time to write them down, then who knows, but for now my promise to you is one a week.

Look at that, I've already doubled my target for this week!

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